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Making art more than just a visual experience!

Virtual Production in Unreal Engine

I recreated the virtual production set to Melanie Martinez' music video Death.

The skeleton asset was purchased by Graft on Sketchfab, and all other assets are from the Quixel Bridge.

Projection Mapping Dimensions

Using TouchDesigner's KantanMapper node, I masked out planes of this portrait painting and projected a manipulatable light.

TouchDesigner Particles

I used an Arduino light sensor to control the size and density of a particle system inside of TouchDesigner. It was a good exercise in taking data from an outside input, and I'm curious in seeing if I can adapt this to an air velocity sensor to simulate blowing bubbles.

Custom Game Controller

I used Arduino's accelerometer sensor to match the stuffed animal controller's movements to its in-game avatar.

The Arduino board was nestled inside the torso of the bunny, mindful to keep enough room for soft stuffing to improve the player's tactile experience.

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